Tuesday, February 23, 2021

STL 123.4 The Vikstrom Interlude

 This is post number 123, part 4, about the band's 5th studio album, titled Chapter VI. How many points is that in Yahtzee? Chapter VI  is a beautiful name for any even somewhat Spinal Tappish band's fifth album, but to be fair they did have a double live album with Messiah that I'm skipping.  This is the only album featuring Thomas Vikstrom on vocals, and I hate it. 

Maybe it's at this point I should stop and say that despite all the time I've put into this project, Candlemass isn't my kind of band. I mean, obviously I like some of the things they've done, and some of the attributes of their sound are profoundly appealing But as I'm coming to understand it, the epic doom they are inextricably associated with is in essence in the overlap of the true, the actual, the good doom (i.e., basements dank with bong fumes) and a shinier power metal sound (blowdryers and stadium dreams). This album, as I'll elaborate on, falls too far to the latter, uninteresting, end of the spectrum. 

The other thing that I hope would go without saying is that I'd like these to be more than "reaction video" criticism.  If you look up "Candlemass reaction video" on Youtube, you'll find out what hip hop fans, goth girls, and self-appointed Christians think of the band's music. (And as I mentioned before, a vocal coach.) Even though I'm not putting in much research time, I do spend time with the music (not as implied by how long this is taking to finish though!) and in writing these.... reviews? essays? indulgent utterances?

Now, to return to my first point, this really isn't the kind of thing I like. There's glam riffs, there's soaring synth solos (that are actually kind of cool), and there's a singer who is histrionic and never mentions demons (the latter being a Leif problem, but still). One problem with the songwriting on this album is the implication that other, presumably real,  humans exist. This is most problematic in most prominently in "Julie Laughs No More." The lyrics invoke fairy tales, but in a metaphorical way. Very undoom.  

Listening this album in the wake of white nationalist insurrection in the nation's capitol was not the most woke thing I could have done. Now, Candlemass have never been associated with the deplorable elements of metal, but then I come to "Where the Runes Still Speak"  (sounding little bit like the good stuff, with the riff and keyboard textures) and this bit about "my blood.. calling from Asaland" put me on high alert. The appropriation of things Nordic by racists is both predictable and nauseating, and perhaps a topic I should expand on elsewhere. But then the idea that this is really about something else is cast aside with "I am the moongod/who dwelleth among the dead" and everything's ok. 

Now, to return to my second point, I feel some kind of obligation to do this right, even though no one is paying me for this and very, very few people will read it.  I see my due diligence as the following: listen through once to get the lay of the land, listen again reading lyrics,  listen at least 2 more times roaming the northern forests.  (That's really not enough, but see point one.) I couldn't quite get to that final run through though. 

What did I learn? Maybe trying to break a glass with your voice twice in the same chorus isn't the right move in certain situations. 

There's only one album to rank. It comes in last.  
