Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Quarterly Report (Q3)

Including summer months and renewed usage of audio books.

sf&f:  Dune (finished); Tehanu; Old Man's War (abandoned); Player of Games; Curse of Chalion; Fahreinheidt 451; The Ocean at the End of the Lane; Neuromancer; Hitchhicker's Guide
comics: Doom Patrol (finished); Astro City (in progress); Moore LXG 2009

other: The Four Hour Body; The Comedy is Finished (Westlake), the first six Stark books (The Jugger, The Score, The Man With the Getaway Face, The Outfit, The Hunter, The Mourner),  Maigret Afraid; The Story Structure Architect; White Fang; Out Stealing Horses; ; Ruby in the Smoke; Crooked Letter, Crooked Letter; Cause of Death (Cornwall--horrible) My Man Jeeves; The Innocence of Father Brown; Classic Crime Short Stories; Classic Detective Short Stories; Salt Sugar Fat 

(27 books, ~33 with comics TPBs)
